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Building Bricks and Creative Work Introduction

Interview from Dansk Sang 2007/08 No. 6, in a series, where the Danish Folkeskolen’s Music Teachers’ Union

… introduces some of the enthusiasts who contribute to establishing the foundation, on which music teaching of the school builds today… music teaching in school would not have been the same without these persons, and their instruction materials for teaching …

See pdf as reference eller som consecutive single pages. (Only in Danish)

More about the book Creative Work Introduction.

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New composition music in cooperation with children and youth

Article from Dansk Sang 2011/12 No. 6, where two involved teachers, Jesper Gilbert Jespersen and Linda Lehun, give their version of the project: Youngsters Compose.

Can be seen as reference or as consecutive single pages. (Only in danish)

Youngsters Compose is described in projects.

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The Role of Quality Music in the Danish Folkeskolen

Mention of the conference with then minister of education, Bertel Haarder, and Professor Steen Hildebrandt as main speakers from Dansk Sang 2006/07 No. 4. The conference was to become the starting point of the 1-year project Music under the Skin.

Ulla Jerg from conference staged by musikformidling.dk

See pdf as consecutive single pages or as a reference. (In danish)


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Children create Music


Article from LMS’ Nyhedsbrevet (Newsletter) December, 2002

See article as pdf. (In danish only)

“Having a Hand in it” is mentioned under projects.

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There is no difference…

In September, 2005, Dansk Musikpædagogisk Forening’s periodical, Modus, brought an inaugural interview and an article (the latter written by  Mogens Christensen).

Interview: If children decide not to choose classical music, they should know what it is, they decide to give up

Article: There is no difference between demanding consequence and giving room for creativity.

Both as pdf here.