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Music School 2.0

- more than just teaching of single pupils and reproductory accesses

MUSIC SCHOOL 2.0 was a cooperation project between Rudersdal Music School, single school classes in the Rudersdal Kommune and the organization called New Music in Birkerød. This is, in fact, a continuation of YOUNG PEOPLE PLAY NEW  (2012).

The aim was partly to draw up supplementary accesses of music tuition based on the pupils’ own musical ideas, and partly to develop methods for group- and class teaching, including teaching during creative processes at the Danish Folkeskole level.

The project is described from the point-of-view of the schools in the article At skabe en årstid (To create a season of the year) (Musiklærerforeningens periodical called Dansk Sang, enkeltsideropslag)( single pages, reference)

And further, from the point-of-view of the music school in the article Musikskole Version 2.0 (Periodical of Dansk Musikpædagogisk Forenings  Modus No. 1, 2015)

The project received financial support from the  Kulturrådet (Artist-in-Residence rules),  and from Rudersdal Musikskole and the local authority of Rudersdal Kommune.