The book was written by Mogens Christensen in co-operation with scenographer Luise Midtgaard. The foreword was written by then Minister of Children and Teaching, Christine Antorini.
Music under the Skin is a practically focused book with ready-to-serve creativity courses to teaching music-, Danish language, and visual art. It focuses on how to handle creation of music and other wordless arts on their own terms, and is about:
· how to communicate without language – not because the language is not good, but because verbal communication takes up such a dominating role in our general processes of learning, that it has a tendency to over-shadow all other forms of communication.
· that non-verbal communication does not have to be casual and diffuse expressions – it may also be sound, music, movement, dance, and non-figurative visual art.
· that music, movement, dance, and non-figurative art may be understood as independant “languages” with “their own and a mutual grammar and rhetorics”.
· that these non-verbally carried forms of expression behave otherwise in form, rhetorics, and grammar, than the language-based.
· to provide the teacher (of music, visual arts, physical training) who wants to work with these forms of expression in more creative frames, with some methods and good advice.
This book was written
· by a composer with assistance from a scenographer, both with acknowledged artistic practise
· by persons with many years’ experience with co-operation projects and workshops at Danish schools
· by persons who are aware of the possibilities when applying these artistic processes as an important creator of motivation and commentary to life, for both strong and weak pupils, academically seen, in the primary school.
(120 pages)
Se indhold (See contents)
Anmeldelse i bladet Dansk Sang, september 2013 (uddrag):
Kan man undervise i kreativitet? Jeg tror på det efter gennemlæsningen af dette glimrende og spændende materiale. Det er både nærliggende og genialt at kombinere en komponist og en scenograf. De står inde for kvaliteten af den grundlæggende teori, både didaktisk, pædagogisk og metodisk …
Lærerens rolle er nøje beskrevet, og … der er løftede pegefingre for ikke at være smagsdommer og direkte hjælp til at gebærde sig i elevernes stof.
Jeg synes, det mest spændende afsnit var det sidste om den kreative proces som en fri, kunstnerisk proces, og jeg tror, at hvis man går den anviste vej med mindre og mindre lærerstyring , vil eleverne kunne skabe deres egne produkter med egenværdi, udvikle dem og vise dem frem …
Musik under huden er oplagt for de musikstuderende på seminariet og for den, der ønsker at øge kvaliteten af sin musikundervisning i folkeskolen.
Læs hele anmeldelsen.