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Recorder and accordion
15 min.
Pernille Petersen and Bjarke Mogensen (Live)
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Pernille Petersen og Bjarke Mogensen med støtte fra Statens Kunstfond
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Feuerspiegel hits a vein in Christensen’s production, where the fascination of both fire and mirrors is transformed into sound:  Works like Orfiske ildklipper, Ilddråber, Winterfeuer and De khazariske spejle. (Orphic Firerocks, Fire Drops, Winterfeuer, and Khazarian Mirrors)

The sound-mirror is very obvious in the beginning of the work, where the mirroring is co complete that it is impossible to hear what is recorder and what is accordion – something that creates the illusion of a totally third instrument.

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The recorder Magazin skrev:

Feuerspiegel … is scored  the for recorder and accordion … The two instruments flicker together often in rhythmic unisons, and the composer revels in the play of glassy colors between the instruments. The tonal references are beguiling – common chords abound but always employed contextually with a strange beauty. Recorder chords and over-blowing are used with discretion and (they never sound gratuitously ugly, as so often can be the case), and the accordion has a remarkable solo interlude with shakes and ricochets of the bellow.


Fyens Stiftstidende skrev:

… “Feuerspiegel”, en næsten kosmisk duet med Bjarke Mogensen. Han får med sin akkordeon de to “luft-bårne” instrumenter til at smelte lydligt næsten helt sammen. Fascinerende